Gen X Wants a Raise

Posted On October 23, 2012

Baby Boomers are supposed to be the original “me” generation and the one most motivated by money, and Millennials have the reputation of being entitled and demanding, but it’s Generation X that’s most likely to ask for a raise, according to a survey of managers by SuccessFactors.

Gen Xers were the most likely to ask for a promotion (49%), more money (39%), a signing bonus (37%), or better working arrangements (36%). Millennials were much less likely to demand promotions and raises, but did ask for additional training more than any other generation, a pattern consistent with other studies we’ve seen.

Boomers were the least likely to ask for more money (only 3%!). Overall, 70% of companies reported patterns of generational difference in the demands and requests of their employees. The particular differences reflected in this survey may reflect the fact that Xers should be at their career peak due to life stage while most Millennials are just getting started and many Boomers have “plateaued” or are headed toward retirement.

Categories: Generations, Workplace