Gen X Still Buying Online

Posted On January 17, 2013

Back in 2009 when Pew took a look at the generations online, their survey revealed that while Millennials were the Internet’s most avid users, Gen Xers were the biggest online buyers. Four years later, a Forrester study reveals that’s still pretty much the case.

According to the survey, Millennials are the most likely to use the internet to shop, with 84% having done so in the last 3 months compared to about 80% of Gen Xers. However, Xers spent the most online, about $561 a piece during the 3 months covered by the study compared with $489 from Millennials and a little over $400 from Boomers.

Not surprisingly, Matures are still spending the least online, about $300.

Categories: Baby Boomers, Blog, Matures