PowerPoint: Not just for conference presentations anymore
Posted On August 18, 2019
PowerPoints are a useful digital tool. They make it easier to organize your thoughts or prepare a presentation. They have become the go-to method of presenting information at conferences, business meetings, professional development and any number of other professional settings.
And now, apparently, they can also help you find your friend a date.
According to the New York Post, many millennials are using the popular tool to create easy-to-read dating profiles for friends who are looking for relationships.
DateMyFriend.ppt allows people to create three-minute profiles for their friends and pitch them to potential suitors at a bar or other social gathering.
So instead of awkwardly trying to chat up someone who may or may not be interested in talking with you, you can sit back while your friend makes your case to a roomful of people.
- 27 years old
- Originally from California
- Social media manager and food & wine blogger
- Likes dogs
- Avid Boston Red Sox fan
- Competitive triathlete
None of these things describe me, by the way (except the one about dogs), but you get the idea. Some profiles even include pie charts prioritizing a person’s most desirable attributes. Having a friend create them eliminates the awkwardness many of us feel in talking about – and in a sense, selling — ourselves.
PowerPoint dating profiles are apparently a thing in East Coast cities like Boston and New York, and may not be available at your local watering hole just yet. But like other digital tools that millennials and many of the rest of us now can’t imagine ourselves without all had to start somewhere.
Or you can still do things the old fashioned way and strike up a conversation.