Don’t be afraid to get personal on social media
Posted On May 10, 2023
How do you use social media? Do you share pictures of the kids, something funny the dog did, a great meal you had?
Now how do you use social media for business? Most of us feel a little uncomfortable sharing personal stuff on professional social media pages that we use for business.
Domenick D’Andrea says that’s a mistake. D’Andrea, our guest in a recent episode of “What’s Working with Cam Marston,” has been a New York-based financial advisor for over two decades. But he’s seen new leads emerge since he began making a concerted effort to share more of himself on social media.
“In the beginning, I was truly skeptical,” he said. “I would just post business stuff throughout the year, a few times a month here and there, and leave it at that. I started listening to a variety of marketers out there in the social media world, went on webinars and started listening to what they were doing. And I said, this can’t work. But I tried it. And then I tried other stuff.”
He committed to spending about 30 minutes a day posting, reading and interacting on social media. “It didn’t take too long for some success,” he said.
The more impressions and interaction your posts draw, the more favorably the algorithms of social media view you. Your posts do better, and when people search Google for the services you offer, your name is more likely to show up high in the search results.
D’Andrea said he soon began to get clients who found him in Google searches, and land speaking engagements that resulted from social media interactions.
The key, he says, is to share the personal stuff, not just business tips – even on LinkedIn, the business-focused platform that D’Andrea favors. Some of his posts that do the best feature his dog, whom he calls his “chief rollover specialist.”
“People want to get to know you,” he said. “People want to see that you’re a human being.”
So don’t be afraid to share that cute photo of your kids. Don’t be hesitant to comment on a post you found funny or interesting. It may be stepping outside our comfort zone for some of us, but interaction creates conversations. Conversations sometimes lead to relationships. And aren’t relationships what business is all about?