Helping businesses grow through franchising

Posted On May 28, 2024

Burnie Juneau helps businesses grow. But only if they want to.

Juneau, our guest in the latest episode of “What’s Working with Cam Marston,” works for Franchise Marketing Systems. Based in the Atlanta area, FMS identifies companies ripe for expansion through franchising, helps them prepare for the process, and then helps them find and vet franchisees.

Most of these businesses are restaurants or service-related companies. Juneau, based in New Orleans, has a background in the food-service industry and focuses on restaurants from Texas to Florida.

“I like to see successes,” he said. “I’m looking for Mom and Pops, businesses that are successful and they have the potential to grow and expand. … If it’s working well in one community or one market, then it’ll work in another communities or markets of like kind.”

He looks for a few key elements in determining whether a business is right for this type of expansion:

  • An engaged owner who wants his business to grow
  • A high level of energy in the business
  • Strong customer response
  • Facilities that are well-kept and maintained

Once he identifies a good opportunity, he and FMS will help develop that business as a franchisor. It’s  a six-month process that includes writing a business plan, doing franchise disclosure documents, creating marketing materials and a website, writing operating procedures, and filing trademarks.

Once that’s done, it’s time for the FMS sales team to go into action, looking for prospective franchisees. They must be vetted and qualified, a process that begins with three important questions:

  • Why do you want the franchise?
  • What location do you want to put it in?
  • Do you have the necessary capital?

Even potential franchisees who have the right answers to these three questions don’t always get through the process however. Juneau says only one of about 100 end up with a deal, and the most common problem is personality conflicts with the franchisor.

“Once you get to that, you’ll never solve it. Best thing to do is just let it go,” he said. “This is not a short-term deal. It’s a long-term relationship.”


Categories: Blog, Entrepreneurship, What's Working with Cam Marston