People are listening. More importantly, they’re acting.
Posted On August 21, 2022
This image may not mean a lot to you but it does to me. This is the web traffic on John Shell’s site TheEagleReef.com. He was my guest on last week’s show discussing his Eagle Scout badge pursuit and I mentioned his site a few times on the show to try to send listeners there to support his very worthy project. You can see it worked. The site visits spiked the day the podcast was released and all the accompanying social media posts were sent out to announce the show. He got 15 – 20 new orders during the week that his father, Jeb, attributes to the show.
My goal for my radio show / podcast What’s Working has been to attract listeners who will engage with the content I offer. It means I must curate my guests. I work to find the find the ones who I feel will offer content my listeners – 45yo+ males (65%) who are in positions of influence – will want to act upon. John’s artificial reef project proved to be just that and am grateful he had a website and measurements in place to confirm that my work was effective.
I’ll continue to try to find the guests that my listeners will find compelling. Hopefully, my listeners will continue to engage with me and the show.