Harnessing the power of AI to do your job more efficiently

Posted On June 25, 2024

We all know that artificial intelligence holds great promise in helping us work faster – and some worry that it may one day take our jobs.

Those familiar with AI will tell you that it won’t take your job. But someone who knows how to use AI will.

But what, exactly, can it do? How, exactly, can we use it to do our jobs more efficiently?

Our guest in a recent episode of “What’s Working with Cam Marston” was Kai Gray, an AI enthusiast in south Alabama who can tell us just that.

Gray’s company, Motive ESG, helps companies address their environmental, social and governance responsibility (a topic he’s discussed with us on the show before). He’s also a member of the Lower Alabama AI Users Group, a collection of professionals from a wide variety of career fields who are interested in using AI to do their jobs better and more efficiently.

“I think of AI as a superpower,” Gray said. “You now have direct access to, by and large, the totality of human intelligence in written form.”

He gave some examples of what it can do:

  • Creating Excel spreadsheets
  • Writing social media posts (even mimicking your personal tone)
  • Writing software
  • Diagnosing problems in landscaping features (through uploaded photos)

However, Gray said, the expertise of humans is still necessary. AI models sometimes go down the wrong path and need input – often in the form of examples or prompts – to get on the right track.

“What used to take me days and days to write in software now takes me minutes,” he said. “But I know enough about the software creation to understand when the AI is doing the right thing or the wrong thing.”

Want to try it out? Gray recommended free courses available through Coursera and Duke University. You can find the Lower Alabama AI Users Group at la-ai.io.

Categories: Blog, What's Working with Cam Marston, Work