How do you set yourself apart from your competitors? The first step is becoming distinctive. How do you do that? Scott McKain can tell you. McKain, our guest in the latest episode of “What’s Working with Cam Marston,” is a speaker, author. consultant and Sales and Marketing Hall of Famer who has put a lot of study and research into how a company or brand can become distinctive. “Distinction to me is being the go-to in your category,” he said. “Why would a customer choose you instead of the other alternatives in the marketplace?” For many of us, it’s because… Read More
Categories: Blog, Entrepreneurship, What's Working with Cam MarstonFor years Scott McKain has led audiences and his consulting clients how to become distinct and different in a crowded marketplace. His approach is simple yet most companies won’t do it – what are the extra things you can do to remain memorable to customers and how can you incorporate them into your business? Most people will claim their expertise is all they need to secure business, not the small, additional customer service items. That’s where they’re wrong. In a crowded and competitive marketplace, standing out requires more. Show Sponsors: E3 Termite & Pest Control Roy Lewis Construction Allison Horner… Read More
Categories: Libsyn