Investing for the next generation

Investing for the next generation

Posted On August 21, 2014

Financial advisors are struggling to find the best way to connect with young investors. According to Forbes, younger generations are taking matters into their own hands – creating businesses that adapt to the Millennial way of thinking. These savvy entrepreneurs are taking the principles of DIY investing and marrying them to financial advisory to recreate the investment experience so that it mirrors the values of the younger generations. Wealthfront, an investment company highlighted in the piece, offers a “refer-a-friend” bonus that comes in the form of an increased cap on the assets managed at no cost. While older generations would… Read More

Categories: Financial Services, Generation Y / Millennials

A few words on business clutter

Posted On August 19, 2014

An article in The Economist this month got me thinking about how different generations value time. The piece talks about three types of business clutter – organizational clutter, meeting clutter and email clutter. None of these is a shocking revelation to anyone who works in a large organization. The demands on time are significant, and often not related specifically to the task at hand. In fact, a colleague recently shared that when her boss asked for yet another report, she had to tell him “I can do the report, or I can do the work that the report is about,… Read More

Categories: Workplace

Texting while driving…golf carts

Posted On August 14, 2014

Golf courses have a problem. Young professionals simply aren’t hitting the links with the same regularity as their Xer and Boomer predecessors. The New York Times reports that in 2013, only 22 percent of travelers under 33 played golf when they stayed at a resort, compared with 42 percent of baby boomers. And resorts are working hard to determine the best way to attract them. From the article: Resorts are … making changes that would have been unthinkable even a decade ago, adding speakers to golf carts and Wi-Fi access on the course, building high-tech training centers and miniature golf… Read More

Categories: Entrepreneurship, Generation Y / Millennials, Product Design

Frustrated by a lack of initiative from young employees? Blame the rubric.

Posted On August 12, 2014

One of the recurring themes in my discussions about working with Millennials is that you can’t hold them accountable for what they don’t know they should do. And one of the frequent counterarguments is that they need to think for themselves, show a little initiative. A college professor recently shared this article with me, which may shed some light on how your young employees came to be so dependent on being given very clear expectations: the rubric. If you have school-age children, chances are you’ve seen a rubric – it’s basically a checklist of assignment requirements, including how many points… Read More

Categories: iGen, Parenting

Millennials waxing nostalgic

Posted On August 7, 2014

A friend told me about the new Miranda Lambert tune and it made me chuckle. At the ripe old age of 30 years, Lambert is a Millennial. Yet here she is singing about the good old days of hard work and paying your dues. And I did my homework with good ol’ Google – Lambert isn’t just singing a lyric written by a Nashville old-timer; she wrote it. The chorus is especially amusing for someone who was only 15 when the Internet went mainstream: Hey, whatever happened to waitin’ your turn Doing it all by hand, ‘Cause when everything is… Read More

Categories: Generation Y / Millennials, Workplace

Gen X – stuck in the middle again

Posted On August 5, 2014

The numbers show it. And so do the conversations. Generation X is stuck in the middle. In “10 things Generation X won’t tell you” MarketWatch author Quentin Fottrell delivers a fairly thorough assessment of why Gen X is “poor, ignored and jaded.” Gen X numbers roughly half to two-thirds of its generational peers. Depending on whose statistics you use, there are about 49 million Xers compared to 75 million Boomers and 89 million Millennials. No wonder people aren’t paying as much attention anymore. But it’s more than that – Xers have been around a while. They were the thorn in… Read More

Categories: Generation X, Succession Planning, Work, Workplace