Say you’re a business owner who is ready to retire. You don’t have anyone in the family to pass the business along to, and you’re looking to sell. Do you know where to start? Or say you’re in the market to buy an existing business. How would you go about it? Buying and selling businesses isn’t like a normal real estate transaction, where a realtor puts a sign in your yard and lists your home on MLS. In most cases, you wouldn’t want your employees or your competitors finding out the business is up for sale until a deal is… Read More
Categories: Entrepreneurship, PodcastWhen we last spoke with Melanie Miller, she joined us for an enlightening discussion about sexual harassment and how to avoid fostering a hostile work environment. In this episode of “What’s Working with Cam Marston,” Miller turns her sharp eye to the problem of implicit bias and its effects on hiring practices. The concept of implicit bias is the idea that we all have unconscious beliefs about people who are different than us, regardless of how open-minded we believe we are. “I believe to be human is to be biased,” Miller says. Even if we aren’t consciously aware of them,… Read More
Categories: Podcast, WorkplaceIn the digital age of social media white noise, media outlets make their money by attracting eyeballs. Two of the ways they try to do this are by jumping on popular topics and inventing new angles until they run them into the ground, and by using what we now commonly refer to as “clickbait” – misleading or sensationalized headlines that draw readers to click on a story that ultimately doesn’t deliver the shock that was promised., the website of NBC’s Today Show, recently checked both these boxes with one post that took the stereotyping of millennials to a new… Read More
Categories: Generation Y / Millennials, Home OwnershipIs feedback really a gift? We like to say that it is, but sometimes it feels like a punch in the mouth. That’s because feedback is often not given or received in a way that allows it to be appreciated or effective. To be effective, it has to be appreciated – or at least accepted. So says our guest in this episode of “What’s Working with Cam Marston” – Michael Nash of Nash Consulting, whose 18 years of direct executive management experience and 20 years of work as a consultant, executive coach and trainer are a testament to the wisdom… Read More
Categories: Podcast, WorkplaceAs millennials take over the workforce and Generation X moves into management, Baby Boomers are ready to slide off into retirement. But what if they don’t? Citing a 2018 small business trends surveyby Guidant Financial, Forbes noted in a recent piecethat instead of retiring, many Baby Boomers are doubling down. While Guidant’s parameters for the Baby Boom generation were a little wide, its survey found that more than half of the country’s small business owners are over 50. And these aren’t just Boomers who have been running their own show for a long time. A 2017 USA Today article notedthat… Read More
Categories: Baby Boomers, Blog, WorkplaceFor years, meetings were the bane of a Generation X employee’s existence. What a time suck, they thought. What a colossal waste — time spent yapping and staring at each other that would be better spent working. When I’m running things, they told themselves, we aren’t doing this anymore. Well, now they are running things. And true to their word, many of them did away with meetings altogether. Our guest in this episode of “What’s Working with Cam Marston” is Stephanie Constantine, an HR consultant in my hometown of Mobile who tells us why that plan isn’t working – and… Read More
Categories: Generation X, Podcast, Uncategorized, Work, WorkplaceThey were the cool kids, the kids we aspired to be. They sat atop their chair, with their mirrored sunglasses and tan skin, twirling a whistle around their finger and reminding us, once again, to stop running and stop hanging on the rope by the diving well. One day, we told ourselves, we’ll be lifeguards too. But a funny thing happened on the way to the pool for today’s generation of would-be lifeguards. According to the Washington Post, you might be just as likely to see a Baby Boomer sitting atop the chair at your neighborhood pool this summer as… Read More
Categories: Baby Boomers, Blog, Parenting, Work, WorkplacePhil Smoker finds himself in a unique situation these days. The fifth generation to build Smoker Craft boats, Smoker has seen his company average about 20 percent growth since rebounding from the recession in 2010. He’s had to hire a lot of people to keep up with that growth. And now for the unique part: His company is located in Elkhart County, Indiana, where about half of all the RVs in the country are built. The unemployment level in Elkhart County is 2.4 percent – just under half the national rate. So Smoker, whose company builds several different brands of… Read More
Categories: Podcast, Recruiting, WorkplaceWhat does a CEO need to focus on if his or her company is stagnant and starting to lose business to competitors? What about the CEO of a company that is growing so fast it can’t hire fast enough? While these two situations are wildly different – even opposite – the questions they need to be asking themselves are largely the same. Our guest in this week’s episode of “What’s Working with Cam Marston” is Gary Frey of Insight CXO, a Charlotte-based firm that provides coaching for CEOs of mid-market companies looking to manage their growth or maintain their foothold… Read More
Categories: Generation Y / Millennials, Podcast, Work, WorkplaceJerry Seinfeld once said that if most people had a choice at a funeral, they’d rather be in the casket than give the eulogy. Indeed, many of us are terrified of public speaking. Simply communicating, when asked to do it in front of a large group of people, can by paralyzing – but it doesn’t have to be. Our guest in this episode of “What’s Working with Cam Marston” is Lou Solomon, an author, TEDx speaker, adjunct college business instructor, founder of Charlotte-based Interact Authentic Communication, and an expert in interpersonal communication and presentation skills. We know that, even as… Read More
Categories: Podcast, Training Industry