What is artificial intelligence? Should you be worried about it taking your job, maybe even taking over the world? Or should we welcome it as something that will make our lives better? This episode of “What’s Working with Cam Marston” features Byron Reese, CEO and Publisher of technology research company Gigaom and an expert on artificial intelligence and how it affects the workplace and life in general. He has a book coming out on the topic next month, titled: The Fourth Age: Smart Robots, Conscious Computers and the Future of Humanity. Not only can we humans not agree on whether… Read More
Categories: Uncategorized, Work, WorkplaceWhat would you do if there was an active shooter situation in your workplace? Despite the blanket news coverage since the murder of 17 students and teachers by a gunman at Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., such situations are still rare. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t think about what we would do if it happened to us. In this episode of “What’s Working with Cam Marston,” workplace violence expert Jim Sporleder shares some of his vast expertise in this area. Sporleder is a former U.S. Air Force intelligence officer who specialized in captivity survival, spending 14 years… Read More
Categories: Work, WorkplaceAfter 20 years studying workplace and workforce trends, generational expert Cam Marston is taking his expertise to the airwaves and the podcast arena. In the new show, which will be broadcast via talk radio stations in the Biloxi, Pensacola, Montgomery, and Mobile markets, and via podcast on iTunes, Marston will examine the trends that are shaping our workforce and workplace, from parenting trends to recruiting strategies to retirement plans. An author, columnist, training and development designer, and lecturer, Marston is the leading expert on generational change and its impact on the workplace and marketplace. Marston and his firm, Generational Insights,… Read More
Categories: UncategorizedHow do you find good employees? Too many employers report this as one of their top, most enduring problems. There simply aren’t enough qualified applicants to fill the positions that need filling. And even some of those applicants who are qualified may not be suited to the demands of the job or the industry. Enterprise Holdings, a $22 billion international company and one of the leading car rental firms in the world, somehow finds 9,000 new management trainees and 2,000 interns a year — and consistently turns them into a strong, customer-focused team. How do they do it? In this… Read More
Categories: Recruiting, WorkplaceMany Baby Boomers think millennials are lazy, coddled and have entitlement issues. Many millennials find Baby Boomers out of touch, technologically illiterate and over-judgmental. Frank Sinatra or Kanye West. All in the Family or The Walking Dead. Encyclopedias and card catalogues or the internet and smartphones. These two generations can’t have any common ground, can they? Actually, it appears they do – when it comes to travel. Lisa Iannucci, a contributing writer for travelpulse.com, recently talked with several travel industry professionals who saw many similarities between Baby Boomers and millennials in what they want in a vacation: Authentic experiences Learning… Read More
Categories: Baby Boomers, Generation Y / Millennials, TravelPlay the stock market, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. According to a recent piece in the New York Times, the recent volatility in the market may have some millennials ready to get off the ride – or at least ask it to slow down. Data shows millennials typically consider themselves cautious investors. The Times cited survey data from Legg Mason showing that only about one-third of them own stocks and more than 80 percent of them consider their investment strategies to be “conservative.” Despite all that, millennials’ expectations may be a little too bullish. The Times cited a… Read More
Categories: Financial Services, Generation Y / MillennialsIf you think millennials will be the death of chain restaurants, you may be surprised to hear they and other eateries may have a savior – Generation X. About a month after Business Insider proclaimed last year that millennials were “killing” chain restaurants, Food & Wine magazine cited research from the NPD group showing that Gen-Xers may be “the restaurant industry’s best hope.” According to the study, Gen-Xers make up 23 percent of all restaurant visits. That’s slightly behind Baby Boomers (26 percent) and millennials (25 percent), but Generation X is significantly smaller than both. According to newstrategist.com, Gen-Xers made… Read More
Categories: Generation XIt’s been 136 years since Friedrich Nietzche declared that “God is dead.” Despite the revelations of the Enlightenment, however, Christianity, Judaism, Islam and other forms of religion have survived and prospered around the world. Now, over a century later, one study suggests iGen may be looking to finish the job. In a recent study by Barna Group, 13 percent of iGen respondents (or Generation Z, as Barna calls them) identified themselves as atheists, a percentage double that of the U.S. adult population. That led Barna to refer to iGen as “the first truly post-Christian generation.” Thirteen percent is less than… Read More
Categories: iGenQuick question: Which generation would you think is doing the best at saving for the future? Baby Boomers? They’re the closest to retirement, and therefore the benefits of saving should be most immediate to them. Generation X? They’re in their peak earning years, and should have the most resources from which to feed the piggy bank. Either would seem to make sense, and either would be wrong. According to a new Discover Bank survey shared on Nasdaq.com and elsewhere, it’s millennials who are doing the best job at saving. In a nation study of over 2,200 people, 81 percent of… Read More
Categories: Financial Services, Generation Y / Millennials, WealthA favorite narrative these days goes something like this: If you’re wondering about the source of society’s ills, look no further than the millennials. Participation trophies. Entitlement. Pumpkin spice lattes. No wonder we’re in such a mess. You can hardly run a Google search without finding another blustery column by a Generation X or Baby Boomer writer cataloguing the many different ways in which millennials are screwed up, and how they’ve screwed up the country as a result. And all that is a load of bunk. So says Bruce Gibney, a Gen-Xer who was one of the early investors in… Read More
Categories: Baby Boomers, Recession Economy, Work