
Mirror Mirror On the Wall, Who Snacks Most of All?

Posted On June 27, 2017

“Which Generation Snacks the Most?” the headline reads at And then, as if anticipating our answer, it adds: “It’s not millennials.” How can it not be millennials? They’re the ones playing all the video games and Snapchatting on their iPhones. How do you spend all that time doing such things without a bag of Dorito’s on the couch beside you? But according to TheStreet, it’s neither millennials nor iGen, who will be right there on the couch beside them if there are enough Xbox controllers, that snacks the most. It’s Baby Boomers. TheStreet last year cited research from the… Read More

Categories: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y / Millennials

Your news source? Likely convenient, biased, and personality driven.

Posted On June 22, 2017

When’s the last time you read a newspaper? I don’t mean an internet news source, or even a website run by a newspaper. I’m talking about an actual ink-and-paper newspaper – one you can use to line your birdcage or wrap fish after you’re finished with it. If you can’t remember, you’re not alone. Aside from a brief respite in 2013, newspaper readership has been steadily declining year-over-year for over a decade.  The drop-off is particularly acute among the younger generations. According to the Pew Research Center, less than 20 percent of Americans ages 18 to 34 read daily newspapers… Read More

Categories: Generation Y / Millennials

iGen wants, more than anything, to be unique.

Posted On June 12, 2017

We’re all concerned about finding out what millennials want, and with good reason. They are the largest segment of the workforce and the largest segment of consumers. But it would also be wise to have an eye focused on what’s coming behind them. Some call them Generation Z, or iGen, while Skyler Huff of calls today’s teenagers the Pivotal Generation. They share the technological savvy and many of the forward-thinking views of millennials, Huff says, but they also pivot toward many of the same traditional values as Baby Boomers. Generation Z – or Pivotals, if you will – want… Read More

Categories: iGen

Faster Food? Medium-Fast Food? Or Plain Ole Fast Food?

Posted On June 8, 2017

In this week’s edition of “Pick Your Poll,” the show whose answers depend on who we ask, our topic is: Are millennials killing chain restaurants or flocking to them? Behind Door No. 1 we have Business Insider, who this month blamed slumping sales figures at chains such as Applebee’s, TGI Friday’s and Ruby Tuesday’s on millennials. Behind Door No. 2 is a headline from NBC News that reads: “Why Millennials Are Hooked on Chain Restaurants.” Door No. 3? Confusion. A closer look at both stories, however, reveals that they’re not necessarily at odds with each other. What’s being “killed” by… Read More

Categories: Generation Y / Millennials

Is it Stuff? Or Heirlooms? Not sure…

Posted On June 2, 2017

Gen-Xers and millennials have things easier than our Baby Boomer parents and grandparents in so many ways. We have grown up with technology and are comfortable with it. We’ve had advances in medicine that have made us healthier. We pay our bills online, buy our groceries with a piece of plastic and carry portable computers in our pockets, a world of information just a click away. One thing that has become more difficult over the years, however, is deciding what to do with our parents’ possessions when they pass away. While treasured heirlooms such as china, silver and antiques have… Read More

Categories: Baby Boomers, Generations, Matures, Wealth

Contrary to Popular Myths, the Millennials Aren’t the Only Game in Town

Posted On May 30, 2017

You have, no doubt, been inundated by now with advice on how to market to millennials, and with good reason. They are not only the largest segment of the workforce, but also the largest segment of consumers. You know to keep your website up-to-date, with easy-to-use customer service tools and a format that translates across multiple platforms. You know to take advantage of social media marketing tools, and to engage with your customers through a variety of channels. You know to create not only value, but a sense of global responsibility and citizenship for your customers when they do business… Read More

Categories: Baby Boomers

Are Changing Ethics a Reflection of Life Stages? Let’s hope…

Posted On May 17, 2017

Has relativism taken over in the digital age? Are millennials more likely to believe the ends justify the means? Does the largest generation in today’s workplace believe that ethics are negotiable in business? The Wall Street Journal recently cited an EY survey that would seem to say so – or at least that it’s more prevalent than in previous generations. In interviewing more than 4,000 people in 41 countries in Europe, the Mideast, Africa and India, the study found that one in four of the millennials surveyed could justify paying bribes in order to support their business (compared to 14… Read More

Categories: Baby Boomers, Generation Y / Millennials, Work, Workplace

Oversharing: You’ve probably done it, too. Everyone else has.

Posted On May 4, 2017

How many times, as we scroll through our social media pages, do we find ourselves shaking our heads and muttering: “TMI?” Embarrassing moments, catty observations and gossip, judgmental pet peeves, our romantic relationships and sex lives, what we ate for lunch – it seems that today, almost nothing is too risqué, too personal or too humdrum to be shared for our online “friends” to see. Or depending on our privacy settings, the whole world. Seriously, people don’t care what our pulled pork sandwich looks like. And yet, we pull out our cellphones, snap a photo and post it to Facebook… Read More

Categories: Generations

Millennials in the Workplace

Posted On April 29, 2017

By Sarah Allen, Community Manager, NucleusLife By now it’s easy to tell that Millennials have entered today’s workforce with a very different set of values and desires than previous generations. Growing up in a constantly connected world has given them a different perspective on company loyalty, work-life balance, career trajectory, and coworkers. There are an almost overwhelming amount of articles, blog posts, and tweets about how Millennials are the “participation trophy” generation; they’ve been labelled entitled, self-absorbed, and lazy – the list never ends. Instead of rehashing oft-disproved critiques,  let’s take a look at how Millennials are thriving (because they… Read More

Categories: Generation Y / Millennials, Work, Workplace

Belichick Keeps Teaching Us How To Win

Posted On April 24, 2017

A couple months ago, I wrote in this space about New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick’s disdain for social media – “I’m not on SnapFace and all that,” he famously said last season – and the fact that most of us can’t afford to be so blasé about it. In a recent interview with CNBC, however, the five-time Super Bowl winner offered some perspective on his view. Personal relationships, Belichick said, are essential to success, and social media can distract you from them. Certainly we can see this in the business world, where in-person networking is still much more effective… Read More

Categories: Work, Workplace
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