Heikki Malinen is CEO of Outokumpu. $10B in Revenue and 10k Employees. He’s an Influencer in World Business.

Heikki Malinen is CEO of Outokumpu. $10B in Revenue and 10k Employees. He’s an Influencer in World Business.

Posted On May 8, 2023

I met Heikki Malinen at a conference in Point Clear, Alabama for his company, Outokumpu. His presentation showed a grasp of world events like none I’d seen before. He travels nearly non-stop, visiting the company’s stainless steel plants across the world. The war in Ukraine has impacted his company’s ability to get the affordable electricity he needs to power his plants in Europe. Workforce issues are a challenge to his facilities across Europe and the US. His challenges are familiar to listeners of What’s Working, but the scale is much different. You’ll find in Heikki, as is so often the… Read More

Categories: Libsyn

Jazz Fest Recap

Posted On May 5, 2023

Lots of sights and sounds at New Orleans Jazz Fest. —– My wife, a college friend and I stood amidst the peace and quiet of Jazz Fest in New Orleans last weekend along with what must have been 100,000 of our closest friends. It was a sight. When my wife and I told our friends we were going, they reacted the same was as when I told them we were going to Mexico for spring break – “Oh no,” they said. “That’s dangerous over there. You’re going to get shot.” During my thirty-six hours in New Orleans, I never once… Read More

Categories: Libsyn2

Using social media as a marketing & engagement tool: ‘It’s where people are’

Posted On May 2, 2023

Doctors and surgeons, by the nature of their profession, need to stay on the cutting edge of technology. For an orthopedic surgeon like Dr. Matt Barber of Mobile, that means taking advantage of robotics, 3D modeling, and even artificial intelligence and augmented reality. As Barber told us in a recent episode of “What’s Working with Cam Marston,” this technology is making procedures like the knee and hip replacements in which he specializes more efficient, less invasive and resulting in better outcomes. Doctors and surgeons, like people in many other professions, are also finding that keeping up with a different type… Read More

Categories: Advertising, Blog, Podcast, What's Working with Cam Marston

Domenick D’Andrea Coaxes a Reluctant Middle Age-Man (Me!) to Dig in on Social Media to Generate Leads

Posted On May 1, 2023

I’ve long been suspcious that social media can do anything for me. For kids today, yes. For me, a middle aged guy? Hardly. Domenick D’Andrea and I met at a conference and he assured me that if I learn how and when to post and what subject matters people want to see, it will generate profitable business leads. I commit to try it, postng primarily to LinkedIn, to see what will happen. And Domenick says it can’t exclusively be business stuff, it has to be personal, too, like me zipping my suitcase and leaving the hotel room with a very… Read More

Categories: Libsyn
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