Today on Keepin’ It Real, Cam looses focus and finds his mind wandering about an upcoming trip instead of focusing on what need to be done. —– My day today will be spent studying Brazilian demographics. And I know what you’re thinking: How did I get so lucky? I mean, come on, most of us have to work but you get to spend your day studying Brazilian demographics. How is that fair? Friday, my wife and I leave for a week in Brazil. I’ve been invited to speak at a conference next week in Sao Paulo. These types of invitations… Read More
Categories: Libsyn2Many cities need more urban housing with Mobile, Alabama certainly being one of them. It’s hard to find, though, and where you do find neighborhoods and houses many of them are blighted and unsuited for living. Porchlight is changing that. By carefully identifying properties, doing the often cumbersome work of locating property owners and then building homes that match the design and spirit of the neighborhood, Porchlight is returning streets and neighborhoods to their bygone thriving days. John Ruzic leads the initiative. Working from within Rogers & Willard construction, John knocks on many doors, makes hundreds of calls, and works to… Read More
Categories: Libsyn