How to get people to pay for something they can find for free

How to get people to pay for something they can find for free

Posted On August 16, 2024

Why would you pay for something that you can find elsewhere for free? You might if it’s a superior product or service. Or if it’s a service personalized specifically for you. Our guest in the latest episode of “What’s Working with Cam Marston” has done just that. Rob Lightbrown is a lifelong weather junkie and former National Weather Service intern who now runs Crown Weather Services, a subscription-based website that serves, essentially, as a personal weatherman for its subscribers. While there is a plethora of weather forecasts available for free on television, the internet and social media, Lightbrown said many… Read More

Categories: Blog, Entrepreneurship, What's Working with Cam Marston

Make the customer the hero of your company’s story

Posted On August 1, 2024

Who is the hero of your company’s story? Spoiler alert: It shouldn’t be you. Our guest in a recent episode of “What’s Working With Cam Marston” was Stephanie Greenwood, president of Mobile-based IMMIX Strategic. And she says successful marketing is about telling a story. Steve Jobs learned that when he found himself out at Apple and spent time working at Pixar. He then returned to Apple ready to sell the MacIntosh by telling stories — and putting the customer at the center of them. He did it with the tag line “Think different.” “He was inviting people into an opportunity… Read More

Categories: Advertising, Blog, What's Working with Cam Marston