Celebrities like to say that they never read reviews, never listen to the critics. Really? I understand not letting tabloids impact your life, but hearing dissenting ideas can often help sharpen your own. That’s why I was intrigued by this article in Canada’s National Post. In it Robert Fulford laments the “absurd alphabetification of society.” And no, spell check doesn’t think that is a word, either. Fulford explains the history behind the Gen X label, and points out that it has only been recently that generations have been labeled as anything specific – Boomers, Gen X…and Y and Z (or… Read More
Categories: Generations, UncategorizedQuick change at the lectern means I have to have my notes, computer, dongle, and remote ready to go.
Categories: UncategorizedNearly half of Millennials are “under-banked,” according to a study by Think Finance, and are choosing to use financial convenience products rather than traditional banking services. Under-banked Millennials are spread evenly across income brackets all the way up to those making relatively high salaries (for their age), up to $75K a year. Under-banked Millennials are opting for instant gratification and ease of use through check cashers, payday loans, and prepaid debit cards. As a result, they are utilizing services that are more expensive but faster and easier than traditional banking. Subjects in the study say they find traditional banking too… Read More
Categories: Blog, Downloadable Media, Uncategorized