The two youngest generations, Millennials and Generation X, are the ones most concerned about their spending, saving, and investing, according to a TD Canada Trust survey. In contrast, 80% of Boomers feel they are managing their money well, even if 56% feel they don’t have enough of it. Millennials are most likely (65%) in the survey to worry that they are spending too much, compared with 56% of Xers and 44% of Boomers. Millennials are also most likely (55%) to want to learn more about finance and money management. Meanwhile, Generation X has the most competing financial concerns, including retirement… Read More
Categories: Baby Boomers, Financial Services, Generations, Wealth, WorkNearly half of Generation X (46%) cites retirement as a top-10 reason for saving and investing but less than a third of Millennials see it the same way. So says a new survey by LIMRA that assessed the younger generations’ attitudes about saving and investing. While Xers seem to focus more on their retirement needs as they inch closer to that milestone, Millennials aren’t there yet. They cite travel and vacations ahead of retirement as motivations for saving and are more likely to save up for cars and household purchases than Xers. In addition to retirement, Xers cite home improvements… Read More
Categories: Financial Services, WorkThe disparity in wealth between Baby Boomers and Millennials is changing the demographics of restaurant clientele. In the past, older generations were more apt to cook and eat at home while younger generations preferred the luxury and convenience of eating out. Now the Boomers, a generation that came of age during the explosion of chain restaurants and fast food, dominate the restaurant market even as they near retirement. Meanwhile, Millennials who still like the convenience of dining out don’t have the means to do it. Even as Millennials grow into adulthood, jobs, and careers, the number of them patronizing restaurants… Read More
Categories: Baby Boomers, BlogTypically, tax season brings a flurry of interest in IRAs as a tax sheltered way of socking away a few extra bucks for retirement. This year, though, well fewer than half of Millennial and Gen X investors will contribute to IRAs compared with over 70% last year. The sharp drop in interest in IRAs is attributable to economic insecurity. 32% said they were feeling too poor to contribute and 56% said they needed the money for everyday expenses or to pay down debt. 14% cited fears of market volatility and 12% blamed job uncertainty. “Given their economic fears, it is… Read More
Categories: Recession Economy, WorkAs we’ve noted, Millennials have deferred or avoided major purchases such as cars and homes and turned away from the traditional retail, recording, video, and television businesses. They hunt for discounts, deals, freebies, and near-free (99¢) pricing. Now several commentators have suggested that technology has altered the generation’s approach to buying in an evolutionary way. For example, Millennials may avoid purchasing because they don’t have money, still live at home, and are concerned about the environment. Or, as a ZDNet columnist suggests, it could be that smartphones provide much of what cars used to: socialization, movies, shopping, even dating. Why… Read More
Categories: BlogIn one of the first signs of the coming economic sunset of the Baby Boomers, Generation X has surpassed the Baby Boomers in few key indicators of credit card activity. According to Cardbeat, Xers now exceed Boomers in card use, balance transfers, and premium card ownership, among other key indices. While this transition was expected eventually, credit card industry observers are surprised it has come so soon. In fact, observers say, card issuers have not completely understood how to market to and serve the Gen X cohort. It’s an issue that is “in-progress” for most of them. Industry experts are… Read More
Categories: Baby Boomers, BlogDespite the fact that Millennials have the highest rate of unemployment of any generation and are deeply in debt, they still use a big chunk of whatever money they have on discretionary and even luxury spending. According to one marketing agency, the average Millennial spends $784 a month on discretionary expenses like entertainment and eating out. According to American Express, they are the largest demographic for new purchases of technological gadgets and fashion apparel (up by 33%). They’re even increasing their purchases of jewelry (up by 27%). In part, Millennials’ parents are subsidizing their lifestyles. Over half of them cover… Read More
Categories: Blog, Recession EconomyThis week’s Grandparents’ Day is an appropriate time to notice that Baby Boomers now dominate the Grandparent demographic. According to statistics cited by Newsday, Boomers now make up a majority of grandparents. The average grandparent is a Leading Edge (Early) Boomer (64). The average new grandparent is a Late Boomer (47) The new identity of many Boomers as grandparents is important because of their involvement and commitment, financial and otherwise, in the lives of their grandchildren. Boomer grandparents spend over $35 billion annually on their grandkids. Overall, 52% of grandparents help fund their grandchildren’s educations and 45% help pay for… Read More
Categories: Baby BoomersMillennials, already prone to delay milestones like careers and marriage, are putting them off even further as pessimism about their economic outlook causes them to downsize their expectations. A recent Los Angeles Times analysis of recent surveys depicts a “Generation Vexed” who, in their words, now plan to “take smaller steps” and who are resigned to the fact that “you can’t reach for the stars right now.” For the first time in three decades, Gallup shows that fewer than half of Americans believe the next generation will have a better life. As a result, according to a Generation Opportunity poll, nearly three… Read More
Categories: Training IndustryMany Baby Boomers, even wealthy ones, have no intention of leaving an inheritance. Instead, they plan to use their fortunes on themselves. A new study by U.S. Trust shows that less than half of wealthy Boomers surveyed plan to leave an inheritance. About the same number have not even told their children what they are worth. This marks a sharp departure from attitudes among previous generations and comes as a shock to the financial planning industry. The results left the president of U.S. Trust sounding a little like a Millennial: “We were, like, ‘wow,’” said Keith Banks. Some Boomers surveyed… Read More
Categories: Baby Boomers, Work