First there was the sandwich generation – the Boomers caught between caring for their growing kids and their aging parents. Now there’s Gen X-hausted, according to an Economist writer – Gen Xers who are crunched between maximizing their career peaks and caring for young children – an exhausting combination. The median age for professional married couples, especially professional married men, to have their first children is creeping into the mid-30s (32 for married women, 34 for married men). That means many Gen Xers are caring for young, school-age children well into their 40s, the same age range when career and… Read More
Categories: GenerationsMillennials, already prone to delay milestones like careers and marriage, are putting them off even further as pessimism about their economic outlook causes them to downsize their expectations. A recent Los Angeles Times analysis of recent surveys depicts a “Generation Vexed” who, in their words, now plan to “take smaller steps” and who are resigned to the fact that “you can’t reach for the stars right now.” For the first time in three decades, Gallup shows that fewer than half of Americans believe the next generation will have a better life. As a result, according to a Generation Opportunity poll, nearly three… Read More
Categories: Training Industry