Marketers and businesses trying to reach Millennials know by now that the generation they seek lives in a digital world. If you want to be noticed by Millennials, you must reach them where they are: online, social networks, email, instant messaging, etc. However, connecting with Millennials on their turf has proved to be a fruitless quest for many. The online world is littered with websites and Facebook pages that are unnoticed by their target audience. Now, a study from MTV offers insights into Millennials’ digital habits, or “what makes them click.” The study shows that Millennials’ digital habits are not… Read More
Categories: Downloadable MediaAccording to the Pew Center’s latest look at social media, Baby Boomers and Matures are now the demographics driving explosive growth in social networking, while Millennials’ use of such sites has flattened. While social networking sites are still enormously popular among Millennials – 83% use them – growth in their popularity within the younger demographic has stalled, and even declined over the past year (from 86%). On the other hand, the growth in the use of social media among older generations has been as phenomenal as it was among Millennials just a few years ago. Over the past two years,… Read More
Categories: Baby Boomers, Generations, Matures