Gen X’ers Finally Coming of Age?

Gen X’ers Finally Coming of Age?

Posted On May 16, 2013

It’s taken a good long while, but it seems Generation X is finally starting to settle down and act its age.  At least according to a new study conducted by the MetLife Mature Market Institute. The findings indicate that Gen Xers are now as “affluent, stable and responsibility-ridden as their parents were at the same age” as reported by the MediaPost News. The first generation to show signs of delayed adulthood, Generation X is now more typical than ever before.  Or are they? It would be easy to read a report like this and assume that Gen Xers are becoming… Read More

Categories: Workplace

Social Media, Etiquette, and Common Sense

Posted On May 14, 2013

When I was growing up a popular show on PBS had a song that teased “one of these things is not like the others, one of these things just isn’t the same.”  It’s becoming clear that etiquette, common sense and social media just do not belong in the same sentence and it is affecting the one of the most etiquette-focused areas of the business world: the job interview. Yes, the “I can’t believe somebody actually did that” HR files include job candidates who have texted or accepted cell phone calls while in an interview, according to this story from USA… Read More

Categories: Baby Boomers, Downloadable Media

The Natural Consequence of Natural Consequences

Posted On May 9, 2013

So here’s an interesting one – at least from my perspective as a parent and as a speaker on generational topics.  For 15 years I’ve been working with largely Boomer business leaders who are exasperated with the way younger generations behave in the business world.  Time and again, I’ve considered – and occasionally pondered aloud – that the employees who don’t want to pay their dues and expect to be praised for showing up on time were raised with participation trophies and an “as long as you’re happy” mantra by the very people (collectively) who are now their employers and… Read More

Categories: Generations, Parenting, Workplace

When Boomers Don’t Retire

Posted On January 31, 2013

Along with widespread discussion about what happens when all those Boomers retire, a parallel discussion has emerged about what will happen if they don’t. As Boomers reach retirement age, many of them just keep on working. Some can’t afford to retire and some just like their work. Remember, this is the workaholic generation. A debate has begun about what effect the non-retirement of Boomers will have. On one side, some have argued that it will mostly be positive: less demand on retirement systems and more wealth to fuel Boomer consumption, expanding opportunity for everyone. For the other side, Boomers sticking… Read More

Categories: Baby Boomers, Generations, Work, Workplace

Who Employes Millennials?

Posted On January 19, 2012

The United States military is the top employer of Millennials in the US, according to an innovative survey by Millennial Branding. The survey extracted employment data from 4 million Millennial Facebook profiles. It also found that Wal-Mart employs more Millennials than any other private sector employers. Rounding out the top 5 are Starbucks, Target, and Best Buy. Not surprisingly, food and retail chains that offer entry-level employment opportunities, suited to Millennials’ life stage, dominate the list. Apple is the top tech employer, likely due to their large number of retail outlets. Millennials are actually more likely to work for a… Read More

Categories: Workplace

Millennials Looking for Training and Promotions

Posted On February 2, 2012

Millennials are looking for jobs that offer training and the chance to move up, according to new survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). “Opportunities for career progression” is the most attractive feature of a prospective employer, cited by 52% of Millennials surveyed. Salary came in second at 44% and training and education third at 35%. Most Millennials reported having to make some compromises of their expectations to find employment such as taking a lower salary or moving from a preferred location. However, most of them (59%) said they were still looking for employers who shared their values of corporate responsibility and most… Read More

Categories: Uncategorized

Millennials Still Want Socially Responsible Jobs

Posted On January 5, 2012

Despite the tough job market they face, Millennials are still determined to find employment that matches their values, according to a recent Deloitte survey. The survey found that 70% of young Millennials say a company’s commitment to the community would influence their decision to work there. Even 61% of Millennials who rarely or never volunteer say corporate social responsibility would factor into their decision to accept a job with a prospective employer. The survey also found that appealing to Millennials’ volunteerism is good for retention and loyalty, in addition to recruitment. Millennials who participate in employer-sponsored volunteer activities are significantly… Read More

Categories: Workplace

Millennial Employees Want Facebook and Flexibility

Posted On January 10, 2012

Millennials are reshaping the workplace with their numbers and their values. A recent Time analysis of recent studies of the Millennial workforce provides a glimpse of the ways that it will change the way we work. For starters, the world’s workforce will be majority-Millennial in just a few years. As soon as next year, the majority of employees at companies such as Ernst and Young will be members of the Millennial generation. And according to one estimate, by 2025, three quarters of the world’s workforce will be Millennials. Along with their numbers, Millennials are bringing their values with them to… Read More

Categories: Generations, Workplace

Boomer Brain Drain

Posted On April 17, 2012

The retirement, or pending retirement, of thousands of Baby Boomers a day (10,000 turn 65 each day for the next couple of decades) is leaving employers with some difficult holes to fill. While there might be plenty of applicants for new job openings, the experience and job skills that Boomers are taking with them into the sunset will be difficult to replace. According to the AARP, 72% of HR professionals surveyed report that they will have a problem replacing the skill, knowledge, and experience of Boomers retiring from their organizations. As a result, many are doing more cross-training of younger… Read More

Categories: Baby Boomers, Generations, Work, Workplace

Stand Out v Fit In? Open for Debate. Love your comments.

Posted On August 9, 2012

What do you think?  Please go to the YouTube page ( and weigh in w your thoughts. Cam

Categories: Baby Boomers, Generations, Matures, Workplace
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