Boomers and Xers make up 88% of the workforce, but only about 27% are actively engaged employees, according to the most recent Gallup research. In fact, the only generation with a strong margin of actively engaged employees was the Traditionalists (I call them the Matures), whose engagement profile is 44% – yet they represent only 4% of all employees. So what does this mean for employers? If nearly 75% of employees are not engaged or actively disengaged – that is, they would considering leaving their place of employment if another opportunity surfaced or they are actively seeking alternate employment –… Read More
Categories: Generations, WorkplaceIt is no secret that technology know-how of youth raised in the age of the smartphones in the pocket far outpaces those who were raised with rotary phones tethered to the kitchen wall. Today’s youth don’t really need to be taught how to use technology, rather, they need to be taught when and why to choose technology to communicate in the best way. Even then, they may be teaching that to you. A recent study by CompTIA reveals that Millennials often look at the technology offerings of potential employers when determining interest in potential job. Using social media effectively for… Read More
Categories: Downloadable Media, WorkplaceMillennials are looking for jobs that offer training and the chance to move up, according to new survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC). “Opportunities for career progression” is the most attractive feature of a prospective employer, cited by 52% of Millennials surveyed. Salary came in second at 44% and training and education third at 35%. Most Millennials reported having to make some compromises of their expectations to find employment such as taking a lower salary or moving from a preferred location. However, most of them (59%) said they were still looking for employers who shared their values of corporate responsibility and most… Read More
Categories: UncategorizedFaced with bleak employment prospects and a business climate increasingly geared toward independent consultants, more and more Millennials are opting for freelance employment as independent contractors than ever before. In a recent Elance survey, 83% of Millennials said they expected freelancing to be part of their career path and only 27% said that they preferred traditional employment to freelancing. A majority of Millennials who are currently freelancing say that they prefer it to working for a single employer. In another look at the issue, the CEO of MBO Partners, a consulting firm, cites a 250% increase in the number of… Read More
Categories: WorkplaceMillennials, already prone to delay milestones like careers and marriage, are putting them off even further as pessimism about their economic outlook causes them to downsize their expectations. A recent Los Angeles Times analysis of recent surveys depicts a “Generation Vexed” who, in their words, now plan to “take smaller steps” and who are resigned to the fact that “you can’t reach for the stars right now.” For the first time in three decades, Gallup shows that fewer than half of Americans believe the next generation will have a better life. As a result, according to a Generation Opportunity poll, nearly three… Read More
Categories: Training Industry